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knight commander是什么意思

发布时间:2021-01-19 作者: 英语查

knight commander 是什么意思


knight:    n. 1.(欧洲中世纪的)骑士;武士,勇士〔尤指打仗或比 ...
commander:    n. 1.指挥者;【军事】指挥官,司令官。 2.【海军】 ...
Knight Commander (or Dame Commander) is the second most senior grade of seven British orders of chivalry, three of which are dormant (and one of them continues as a German house order). The rank entails admission into knighthood, allowing the recipient to use the title 'Sir' (male) or 'Dame' (female) before his or her name.


1.Has been appointed a knight commander of the order of st . michael and st . george

2.Sir william was awarded a knighthood knight commander of the order of st . michael and st . george in january 2007
欧威廉爵士2007年1月被授予圣米迦勒及圣乔治爵士勋章( kcmg ) 。

3.He received the knight commander s cross badge and star from the federal president of germany in 2000 , and has served as a member of the university grants committee in hong kong
路教授是中国科学院院士中国工程院院士,也是发展中国家科学院院士。 2000年他获颁德国联邦星级大十字勋章,并曾担任本港大学资助委员会委员。

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